Case studies

Through sharing best practice, ideas and inspiration on the teaching and learning of art and design as climate, social and racial justice – this series of case studies specifically explores nature as pedagogic practice.

As a growing resource, the case studies include a wide variety of practices, happenings and engagements from across UAL. With quick-read descriptions ready to inspire, contact details in case of further questions, plus prompts and considerations to be aware of if you want to implement them into your teaching practice.

Learning in/with/for Nature

A staff development activity to explore the concept of learning in, with, and for nature; held in Regents Park, London for UAL Hourly Paid Lecturers. The session explored how learning experiences can observe, interpret and respond to natural spaces and the materials that can be found there.  

En Plein Air

An activity for MA Animation students to learn in nature and create a series of paintings inspired by real world observation of shape, colour and light; whilst exploring the spatial and visual qualities of sound. The intention is to capture atmospheres experienced through the senses and translate feelings into painted animation backgrounds and soundscapes. 

Gracing the Grass

Gracing the Grass is a guided art walk which introduces each of the UAL Principles for Climate and Racial Justice in the natural setting of Regents Park, London.

The Plant Project

A collective of staff and students from Camberwell College of Arts, dedicated to making the college site a greener environment, in alignment with the UAL Climate Action Strategy.  They work to transform areas across the site, offering opportunities for the community to get involved whilst addressing problems like declining bee populations and anti-social activities.      

Re-constructing Garden: foraging for building

A collective of staff and students from Camberwell College of Arts, dedicated to making the college site a greener environment, in alignment with the UAL Climate Action Strategy.  They work to transform areas across the site, offering opportunities for the community to get involved whilst addressing problems like declining bee populations and anti-social activities.      

Found in Nature: Natural Dye Workshop

A workshop exploring natural dyeing using foraged plants, aiming to envision possibilities for fossil fuel-free fashion. Students gain hands-on experience accompanied where possible with a walk to identify urban dye plants. They leave the session with dyed fabric samples and notes for further experimentation.

Deep ecology

This session is an orientation and context setting experience to explore wider, deeper ecological aspects of an urban location. The aim is to open up consciousness of environmental history, infrastructure and habitats and to explore how far these cater to humans and the more-than-human. An outcome may be to suggest topics for deeper creative exploration.

Pairing: BA Fine Art and Calthorpe Community Garden 2017-2019

The projects drew on the richness of Calthorpe Community Garden with its interplay of organic and built structures and place for different groups from the locality.  ‘Pairing’ art students with members of the local community encouraged haptic processes, ongoing dialogue between the ‘pairs’ in the context of a constantly changing greenspace. These encounters encouraged new ways of working in response to both site, situation and  conversation.